wall ball tier 9

wall ball tier 9

TIER 9: MOTION CHALLENGE (8 minutes) - 2 Allowable Drops 

SET UP: Place TWO cone 5 yards from wall/bounceback aligned with the bouceback edge. Initiate with back to wall/bounce back, sprint 5 yards to cone and complete element. 5 REPETITIONS EACH

  • 5-Yard sprint - Curl pass right(dodge right; curl around cone and pass right)
  • 5-Yard sprint - Curl pass left (dodge left; curl around cone and pass left)
  • 5-Yard sprint - Roll back right (dodge left; curl around cone and pass right)
  • 5-Yard sprint - Roll back left (dodge right; curl around cone and pass left)
  • 5-Yard sprint - Step away pass right (dodge right; step away and pass right)
  • 5-Yard sprint - Step away pass left (dodge left; step away and pass left)​​

SET UP: Place two cones 5 yards upfield from wall/bouceback and 8 yards apart. Run in an INFINITY pattern around cones, with stick upfield, passing/catching inbetween cones. 30 PASS/CATCH

  • 8-Yard infinity run (Right/Left)

Total Pass & Catch: 60