Wall Ball Tier 7
TIER 7: 35 REPETITIONS EACH (20 minutes) - 2 Allowable Drops
- 1-Hand right (catch, cradle, throw)
- 1-Hand left (catch, cradle, throw)
- 2-Hand right (w/ cradle)
- 2-Hand left (w/ cradle)
- 2-Hand split dodge (catch right, switch hands, throw left, catch left, switch hands throw right)
- 2-Hand roll dodge (catch right, roll & switch hands, throw left, catch left, roll& switch hands, throw right)
- 2-Hand right x-over catch (throw right so ball rebounds to left, cross-over catch)
- 2-Hand left x-over catch (throw left so ball rebounds to right, cross-over catch)
- 2-Hand pass switch hands catch (throw left so ball rebounds to right, switch hands to catch right, throw so rebounds to left, switch hands and catch)
- 2-Hand right quick-stick (no cradle)
- 2-Hand left quick-stick (no cradle)
Total Pass & Catch: 385
AWARD: LYL Wall Ball Shirt (YELLOW)